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Political Otthestic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Political Otthestic Italic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Political Otthestic – Modern Script Font , from Stylishtype.Co , Suitable for any projects such as: logos, branding projects, homeware designs, product packaging, mugs, quotes, posters, shopping bags, t-shirts, book covers, name card, invitation cards, greeting cards, label, photography, watermark, special events, and all your other luxury and beautiful projects that need a Luxury Script taste.

Product Content :

  • TTF
  • OTF
  • WOFF

Features :

Ligature 80 Alternates 65 & 14 Swashes
Uppercase and Lowercase
Punctuations (OpenType Standard)
Accents (Multilingual Characters)
Ligatures and Alternative Style Stylistic Set
Works on PC and Mac
Simple installations
Thank You.

Political Otthesthic – Modern Script Font